Monday, June 25, 2007

Raising taxes

The bills in Congress take aim at a provision of the tax law that has allowed private equity and hedge fund operators to pay a lower capital-gains tax rate of 15 percent, instead of the ordinary top income-tax rate of 35 percent, on the performance fees that make up the bulk of their huge paychecks.

Congress will achieve a significant victory, for fairness and for fiscal responsibility, if it ends the breaks that are skewing the tax code in favor of the most advantaged Americans.

- NY Times editorial (read the full editorial here)

Translation = By raising taxes and exerting more governmental control over peoples' lives, the cause of liberalism can be advanced.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Excellent translation.

It appears that you understand NYT-speak quite well.

It is satisfying to see their circulation continue to fall. It is possible that 10 years from now, the liberals that control that company will have totally destroyed it.

And, since they are losing money, why worry about tax rates?

Not so good for their thousands of employees, but whatever.