Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I believe the culpability of "rogue" prosecutor and bully-extraordinaire Mike Nifong in the Duke LaCross "fiasco" has been grossly understated. His premeditated actions and apparently unrepentant heart merit a special ranking on the outrage meter and it should be a very long time before we apply to this case the adage that time heals all wounds.

- David Limbaugh (read his full comments here)

Nifong should be facing criminal charges such as malfeasance.


Mark said...

I believe I have standing to comment on this case, since I was quite vocal about it from Day 1 that it was a frame up, and the rich white kids were getting the shaft.

This matter needs to go much further. The Duke President, Broadhead should be fired, or must resign. He was an accomplice in this injustice. He fired the Lacrosse coach and forever damaged that fine man and his family. He effectively pronounced the boys guilty so he could jump on the politically correct bandwagon. He let down his students, his customers. He must lose his job over that.

Second, there are 88 tenured Duke professors that signed a petition calling for the expulsion of the boys, and effectively proclaiming them to be liars and rapists. They must also be held to account. Either they a) publicly and sincerely apologize, and b) write and publish an essay explaining their poor judgement and why other professors need to reexamine their belief and value system that could result in such an gross error. Or, if not, then they should be relieved of their positions at Duke.

Hey, they can get a job somewhere else, like the coach and the boys had to do. No big deal. That's what they said.

Finally, all liberals should at least take a minute to think about why they are so concerned for the rights of enemy combatants at Gitmo, or the rights of people that have violated our laws by sneaking across the border, but when it comes to American citizen students, yes even white rich students, that they care nothing for their rights of due process and their presumption of innocence.

If this case doesn't cause a pause to think, then thinking is no longer part of the equation for you.

One last thing, the Rev Al and Jessie's comments should never again be covered by any respectable new organization. They have no credibility at all.
They should be finished forever with their race extortion game they play.

Orthoclase said...

I liked Brodhead when he was at Yale. Either I misjudged him then, or he changed when he moved to the new job.

As for the professors, they are a public menace, like almost all college professors.