Monday, March 19, 2007


[A bus driver was fired after a Muslim couple complained that he insulted members of their religion over the loudspeaker.

The driver, whose name was not released, was fired Thursday after Hilal Isler of upstate New York said she and her husband, Volkan Isler, were offended. The Turkish-American couple say he launched into a monologue after they boarded the I-Ride Trolley bus March 5.

Hilal Isler said he greeted passengers, told a blonde joke and then one about Muslims.

``And now they're telling us we're supposed to be nice to these Muslim terrorists who are trying to kill us all,'' Hilal Isler recalled him saying. ``Here in America, we call them 'rag-heads' or 'towelheads,' but that's not right. What they wear on their heads is more like a sheet. We should be calling them sheetheads.'']

- Chicago Tribune/sun-sentinel staff & wires

I thought it was humorous, but then I am not Turkish. Maybe their guilt over the genocide against the Armenians causes them to lack a sense of humor.

(Thanks to Rush Limbaugh for calling my attention to this story)

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