Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Lack of return fire

As long as the administration and Republicans allow Democrats a monopoly on righteous indignation, it's doubtful they'll make headway in convincing the electorate they hold the moral high ground on the important issues of the day. If this were merely a game of political one-upmanship, it would be one thing, but national security consequences are involved.

From the war on Iraq, to Gitmo, to the NSA surveillance program, to the Wilson-Plame fiasco, to global warming, to the firing of eight U.S. attorneys, deceitful Democrats engage in relentless warfare against Republicans, and Republicans -- way too often -- roll over without even returning fire.

What is a half-attuned public to surmise about the relative integrity of the two parties when one party is forever accusing the other of misconduct and the other barely defends itself, much less turns the tables on its wrongful accusers?

- David Limbaugh

Valid points.

We need some improved mental toughness on the Republican side.

1 comment:

Mark said...

We sure do.

Without talk radio, we would have almost no dog in the fight.

Maybe it is just too difficult to get coverage in newspapers and TV.