Friday, April 13, 2007

No sympathy for Duke players

But perhaps the outpouring of sympathy for Reade Seligman, Collin Finnerty and David Evans is just a bit misplaced. They got special treatment in the justice system--both negative and positive. The conduct of the lacrosse team of which they were members was not admirable on the night of the incident, to say the least. And there are so many other victims of prosecutorial misconduct in this country who never get the high-priced legal representation and the high-profile, high-minded vindication that it strikes me as just a bit unseemly to heap praise and sympathy on these particular men.

- Terry Moron, ABC News

Wasn't Ms. Anonymous telling us that ABC News was some sort of right-wing organization?

The above diatribe does not sound very right-wing to me.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Is the last name pronounced like it should be?

Terry would be singing a different song if it were his/her sons that got shafted like this.

These boys were political prisoners.

The good that may come from their sacrifice is a change in the rape laws, and a change in the rape shield laws, and a change in the authority of institutional prosecutions.

Current rape definition -- any claim by a woman that some type of sex occurred that she a) did not fully agree to, or b) did agree to but regretted later.

I think we can do better than that, even if we have to offend some feminists rights groups.