Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Spreading the Misery

"The very idea that upper income producers are undertaxed is ludicrous on its face. Democrats can't possibly believe that the rich don't pay their fair share of the revenues when the top one percent of income producers -- according to 2004 tax data cited by economist Larry Kudlow -- pays some 37 percent of federal income taxes and the lowest 40 percent pays virtually no taxes and is even subsidized."

- David Limbaugh

1 comment:

Mark said...

But the liberals care more for the needy, they are not so heartless and mean. They feel for the poor, they are better people.

So they need to play Robin Hood - their number one hero of all time.

But oddly enough, conservatives give a much higher percentage of their incomes to charity than liberals do. Imagine that.

Seems that liberals mainly care and feel and are generous with only other people's money.

But they feel good about that, and that is all that matters.