Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Journal Sentinel attacks Kagen

The behavior, odd beyond question, calls into question both Kagen's judgment and maturity.

- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial attacking Rep. Kagen (D-WI)

Translation: Kagen is to politicians as the Journal Sentinel is to newspapers.

Also notice how the Journal Sentinel always waits until after the election to voice these kinds of remarks?

Before the election, Kagen was their fair-haired boy.


Mark said...

Nothing is more important to most newspapers than the continuation of the liberal agenda. So, disclosures harmful to the cause are always timed to have the least impact possible, while disclosures harmful to conservative candidates are always disclosed at the time most likely to harm their election.

And that's the way it is.....

Orthoclase said...

You are right about the way it is.

I am always disgusted by it, but I am never surprised by it.