Friday, January 12, 2007

Gore's film restricted

(quoted from AP story)

"I am shocked that a school district would come to this decision," the movie's co-producer, Laurie David, said in a prepared statement. "There is no opposing view to science, which is fact, and the facts are clear that global warming is here, now."


My own comments:

Not everyone is buying into "An Implausible Truth."

I wonder if Ms. Laurie David actually knows how science works.


Al said...

Everyone that is smart knows global warming is a scientific fact and that it is caused by greenhouse gases and we need to change our lifestyle or suffer. Everyone smart knows this.

Orthoclase said...

Al, thanks for leaving a comment. I appreciate it. Seriously.

I like the "everyone that is smart" line. Clever.

Those of us who are familiar with how science works are just naturally skeptical about facts.

It is all about "The Dogma of the Day."

Today's facts are replaced by tomorrow's facts.

Speaking of facts, cite me some data on global warming. I do not mean conclusions, I mean the data.

If you start looking at the data, you are going to find that there is a lot of room for alternate conclusions.

As far as cause and effect, those familiar with science know that cause and effect is hard to prove. You can show statistical correlations, but those are not the same as cause and effect.

I agree with you that greenhouse gases are a potential problem. Note the use of the word "potential." We probably do not agree on the relative importance of sources of greenhouse gases. Most liberals think that humans are the main source of greenhouse gases. I happen to think that volcanoes are the main source.

I would be very interested in hearing your ideas for limiting volcanic eruptions.

Al said...

You do sound smarter than I thought you were.

I have a friend who is a geologist. That is the science of the earth, and ice caps, and volcanoes, and rocks and the like. He will know about this volcano theory of yours.

It wasn't in the movie I saw though.

Anyway, I will get back to you and let you know if your theory makes any sense to a geologist, ok?

Orthoclase said...

Al, please have your buddy the geologist post some comments here. I am very much interested in reading his views.