Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Another 20

Lists the 20 most annoying people on the right.

Ouch. It was painful reading this.

Little Miss Attila did not even get an honorable mention. I guess that proves that she is not really on the right at all.

Addendum: The list is now 21. They added Michael Savage.

1 comment:

Mark said...

This is a great list. It does highlight the wide variety of "Republicans". The country may be better off going forward if we had 4 parties rather than two. We could split both parties in half, Let's say, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, and Socialists.

Wait, those last two are redundant.
Democrats and Pacifists? Democrats and and and, hmmm.


Anyway, the list of 20 failed Republicans is a good reminder we have a long way to go to replace these people.

The only name I would remove is Bush, but only out of respect for what he has done and for his usually good intentions. But he will admit after he is out of office that he could have done much better.