Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Bill Cunningham vs. Obama & McCain

"Now we have a hack, Chicago-style Daley politician who is picturing himself as change. When he gets done with you, all you're going to have in your pocket is change."

- WLW-AM talk show host Bill Cunningham, referring to Barack Obama (AP/Forbes, link here)

Later, on Cunningham's show, after McCain apologized for Cunningham's remarks (several more than quoted above), Cunningham said:

"Did John McCain repudiate me? ... He just threw me under the bus to the national media. I've had it with McCain. I'm going to endorse Hillary Clinton. I'm going to throw my support behind Hillary Clinton."

This last quote appeared in the print edition of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (with AP attribution), but not in the jsonline version, and not in the AP/Forbes online version.

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