Saturday, March 11, 2006


Titan by Ben Bova (2006)

This novel is about a mission to Titan, a moon of Saturn.

Plausibility is not this novel’s strong point. I am not talking about plausible science here. This book is billed as science fiction, but there is precious little science in it, speculative or otherwise. I am talking about plausible politics.

Why would Earth spend years of gross planetary output to outfit a massive habitat and then spend more years to send it to Titan, and not expect to get any significant return on their investment?

Why would Earth, instead of sending their best and brightest on this mission, send the dregs of her prisons?

The obvious answers to both questions are, “They wouldn’t.”

The book is peopled with superficial stereotypes.

The plot is shamelessly manipulative.

Many reviewers do not agree with me. Most of the reviewers with close ties to, and vested interests in, the publishing business are slobbering all over themselves to describe this book as one of the greatest novels ever written.

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