Wednesday, March 01, 2006

government for sale?

(from the 3-1-2006 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

Police salary bill is arrested

As union lobbies, bid to halt pay of fired officers stalls

By John Diedrich

A bill that would cut off pay to fired Milwaukee police officers charged with crimes has been buried after a lobbying blitz by the politically connected Milwaukee police union.

Assembly Speaker John Gard (R-Peshtigo) said Tuesday that the bill would not come up for a vote unless both sides agree on a compromise.

City officials, bill supporters and a political observer said that by requiring a compromise, Gard is all but ensuring the bill dies.

Gard’s campaign received a $5,000 donation from the police union’s political action committee in June for his congressional campaign, according to Federal Election Commission records.

Gard said the donation had no connection to the bill.

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