Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Drink liberally

When I say "Drink liberally" I mean something totally different than what these people mean.


Elizabeth said...

Ah yes, the old "if you don't agree with our political views, you must be a bad person, morally". Both sides do it, and neither way is it constructive.

Instead of alienating people, the Democrats could lead by example and their sophisticated worldview could put the O'Reillys of the world to shame. But that would be just too complicated, wouldn't it? Far easier to point out to everyone that you stand on the moral high ground instead of letting it speak for itself.

Orthoclase said...

Sophisticated worldview?

I would describe it as a naive worldview.

Elizabeth said...

Yeah, that's the point I was trying to make. I suppose my conditional tense wasn't clear enough. I'll try harder next time.