Sunday, September 16, 2007


Monsters: An Investigator's Guide to Magical Beings (2001)

by John Michael Greer

This is a very unusual book.

The author's view of SUNDS is very different than that presented by the medical/scientific community.

According to the author, SUNDS is caused by a monstrous being called dab tsog. The author goes into a lot of detail about Old Hag types of magical attacks in general and tsog tsuam in particular (tsog tsuam is the name of the attack, dab tsog is the monster).

The author discusses many types of monsters: vampires, ghosts, werewolves, creatures of faery, mermaids, dragons, spirits, angels, and demons.

The author also provides advice on magical self-defense (natural magic and ritual magic).

Since I have a lot of training in science and none in magic, it is difficult for me to objectively analyze a lot of what the author has to say.

It makes for very interesting reading, though.

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