Wednesday, February 07, 2007

No American flags allowed

"Theresa Richard is proud of her son, who is a member of the Connecticut National Guard serving in Afghanistan.

To show her support she is displaying the American flag and the Blue Star flag on a flagpole in front of her condominium, but her condominium association says she must remove the patriotic display."

- Journal Inquirer story

Fox News has an update here.


Mark said...

However if it was a flag with a picture depicting Jesus covered in elephant dung, that would be considered art and free expression. Leave it up.

Or if it was a flag with a picture of Muhammad with a bomb in his turbin, then killing the homeowner and burning down the condo would be understandable.

But an American flag, we have to draw the line somewhere.

Orthoclase said...

It is the liberal dream come true.

Americans are no longer allowed to be Americans.