Monday, March 05, 2007

Nifong and Murtha

"Sacrificing others’ lives for personal political gain, though most often publicly attributed -- incorrectly -- to so-called “chickenhawks” in the nation’s (GOP) leadership, is actually a distinguishing characteristic of the modern Left."

"People who wield such power that they have a legal say in others’ freedom -- let alone in others’ lives and deaths -- have an indescribably immense responsibility to exercise infinitely more wisdom, judgment, conscience, patience, reason, and moderation in the exercising of that power than the normal man. People like Nifong, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha, and their ilk hold that power over others, but have demonstrably a total lack of (and lack of interest in) those necessary qualities and requirements when exercising it -- and that may be the greatest transgression that a person entrusted with power over others can commit. "

- Jeff Emanuel

Very well said on both quotes. Could not agree more.

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