Saturday, January 06, 2007

Fear in Spain

"Spain's bishops are alarmed by ambitious plans to recreate the city of Cordoba - once the heart of the ancient Islamic kingdom of al-Andalus - as a pilgrimage site for Muslims throughout Europe."

- Elizabeth Nash


Mark said...

The choice is a) no new mosques permitted in NATO countries. If you want to allow the building of mosques, then withdraw from the military alliance, or b) revive the Crusades now, and throw them all out.

I'm for a) in the interest of less immediate violence, but b) is inevitible if a) is not implemented.

Orthoclase said...

Ah, the Crusades. Those were the good old days.

I fondly remember the Siege of Jerusalem in 1099. Kill them all, let God sort them out.

We are not likely to see Europeans like that again.