Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Next (2006) by Michael Crichton

Another very fine novel by Michael Crichton. This one deals with genetic engineering, gene therapy, rogue scientists, ruthless corporations, bounty hunters, and much more.

The novel included a ton of science, a lot of which was beyond me, but that never interfered with my enjoyment of the novel because the emphasis was always on the very interesting cast of characters, not all of them human.

Just as in real life, many of the most brilliant characters were tragically flawed.

After the novel, the author lists 5 conclusions from his research:

1) Stop patenting genes
2) Establish clear guidelines for the use of human tissues
3) Pass laws to ensure that data about gene testing is made public
4) Avoid bans on research
5) Rescind the Bayh-Dole Act

The book ends with an extensive annotated bibliography.

This is one of the most interesting novels I have ever read, worth reading more than once.

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